
Metal Hose

China factory industrial metal hose and corrosion-resistant piping
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The main classifications of metal hoses include:

‌Wiring Metal Hose‌: Primarily made of stainless steel, it possesses excellent flexibility, corrosion resistance, tensile strength, high temperature resistance, and wear resistance. It is mainly used as a protective tube for electrical wires and cables.1

‌Corrugated Metal Hose‌: Composed of a corrugated tube, a mesh sleeve, and connectors. The corrugated tube provides flexibility, the mesh sleeve offers reinforcement and shielding, and the connectors serve as the connecting points. The corrugated tube is made of thin-walled stainless steel with spiral or annular waveforms, while the mesh sleeve is woven from intersecting metal wires or strips in a specific sequence.1

‌Plastic-Coated Metal Hose‌: The inner layer is specially treated stainless steel hose or galvanized hose, and the outer layer is made of PVC material, which is resistant to UV rays and aging.2

The main characteristics of metal hoses include:

They are primarily made of stainless steel, which imparts high corrosion resistance.1

They have a wide operating temperature range, from -196℃ to 600℃, demonstrating excellent high and low temperature resistance.1

They are flexible, extensible, capable of bending, and have strong vibration resistance. The reinforced protection provided by the woven mesh sleeve enhances their pressure-bearing capacity.3

They are suitable for flexible connections of various fluid media and can be easily used with rotating joints and other accessories.3

Due to their excellent performance, metal hoses are widely used in various industries such as machinery, chemicals, petroleum, metallurgy, food, and more, making them an indispensable component in industrial piping systems.1,3

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